1/6 - 1/10
Monday: Work Day
Tuesday: Discuss Quarter preview: Peak, project, presentation, Argumentative Essay, Block Assessment / Journal: 1 page min Tell a story of something funny, fun, exciting, dangerous that you did over break. Be sure to give vivid details and use figurative language.
Wednesday: Check out Peak Books
Thursday: Block Assessment (remind students to read directions carefully)
Friday: Finish Block Assessment / Prezi and vocabulary sheet (OneNote)
1/13 - 1/17
Monday: Read Peak pg. 1-25 Audio book version
Tuesday: Learning Studio: VR, We Video checklist, Journals 1-3 / Read pg. 26 - 41
Wednesday: Learning Studio:VR, We Video checklist, Journals 1-3 / Finish pg 1 - 41
Thursday: Learning
Studio:VR We Video checklist, Journals 1-3 / Finish pg 42 - 66
Friday: Learning
Studio:VR We Video checklist, Journals 1-3 / Finish pg 67 - 81
1/20 - 1/24
Monday: MLK Day No School
Tuesday: Introduce Peak Project and presentation:
- Movie trailer (WeVideo) / poster if you finish early (Canva)
- Travel brochure
- 3-D man made model of Everest. Point of interest labeled
- Pixton - graphic novel highlighting major events
- Board game with rules and pieces (Big printer, laser cutter for pieces, make your own)
- Book creator
- News Report / Interview (Green screen, camera, WeVideo
- Podcast (WeVideo)
- Commercial for Peak climbing company (WeVideo, camera, logo w/ laser cutter)
- Makey Makey Map
- Anything you can think of
/ Begin project proposal: what you want to do, materials needed, tech needed, time on task
Wednesday: Journal #4 / Read pg. 82 - 97 / Work on Project proposal
Thursday: Journal #5 / Read pg. 98 - 106 / Work on Project proposal
Friday: Journal #6 / Read pg. 107 - 125 / Proposal finalization
1/27 - 1/31
Monday: Moleskine #1 book cover
Tuesday: Journal #7 / Read to 136 / Work on project - Reminder: your project has to encompass the entire book
Wednesday: Journal #8 / Read to 150 / Work on project
Thursday: Read to 163 / Work on project
Friday: Read to 172 / Work on project
2/3 - 2/7
Monday: Professional Development / No School Kids
Tuesday:. Read to 191 / Work on project
Wednesday: Read to 204 / Work on project
Thursday: Read to 221 / Work on project
Friday: Read to 231 / Work on project
2/10 - 2/14
Monday: Finish the book / Work on project
Tuesday: Finish Projects and/or Reading / Answer questions for presentation
Wednesday: Finalize presentation and/or practice presentation with a peer
Thursday: Presentation of Peak Project
Friday: Presentation of Peak Project
2/17 - 2/21
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Finish Presentations / Peak Test / Reflection Questions
Wednesday: Discuss CREW (prezi) / Read: Helicopter Rescues Increasing on Everest and Ranger killed During Rescue / Annotate for both sides of argument: Do people have the right to rescue services when they put themselves at risk?
Thursday: Fill out graphic organizer either for or against rescue
Friday: Write a paragraph using Crew to argue for or against rescue (type it in Word, submit in Teams)
2/24 - 2/28
Monday: Read Binge-Watching article and find evidence supporting Harmless and Harmful (Teams Assignment)
Tuesday: Finish finding evidence and fill out graphic organizer: one paragraph for Harmless and one for Harmful
Wednesday: Type up paragraph for Harmless or Harmful using graphic organizer
Thursday: Introduction of Argumentative Essay elements
Introduction: Hook, Background Info, Claim
Body1: Transition + Reason, Evidence, Warrant (explanation of evidence)
Body 2: Transition + Counter Claim, Evidence for CC, Rebuttal + logical explanation or evidence
Conclusion: Restate Claim, summarize main idea(s) of essay, include insight or learning takeaway
Pass out packets
Read 10 - 13 Looking for evidence for both sides
Friday: Complete pages 14 -15
3/2 - 3/6
Monday: Planning and prewriting pg. 16 - 17 PAB
Tuesday: Finish pg. 17 - 18
Wednesday: Type essay
Thursday: Self Evaluation pg. 19
Friday: Peer revise and edit.
Claim - yellow
Reasons- red
Evidence - light blue
Warrant - bright green
Counter claim - light purple
Rebuttal - orange
Essay Due
3/9 - 3/13
Monday: Handout sheets and color code prefixes, roots, suffixes / cut and paste into notes / create 10 words & definitions (homework)
Tuesday: Finish 10 words with definitions / Show project examples and intro product requirements
- Word Displayed
- Each part of word defined
- Definition
- 3D elements
- use word in a sentence correctly
- Poster represent the word
Wednesday: Work on Poster
Thursday: Work on Poster
Friday: Work on Poster
3/16 - 3/20
Monday: Present Poster to class
Tuesday: Present Poster to class
Wednesday: Watch McFarland USA
Thursday: Watch McFarland USA
End of Q3
Friday: No School / Teacher Work Day / Spring Break Begins