Brianna Walker » 7th Grade Weekly Agenda

7th Grade Weekly Agenda

12/16 - 12/19 Class Schedule

Monday 12/16: 

Write the final draft of the Christmas Carol poem and add a colored picture
Peer review/grade the poem
Tuesday 12/17:
Present poems
Wednesday 12/18:
Present poems
Start watching A Christmas Carol
Thursday 12/19:
Finish watching A Christmas Carol

12/9 - 12/12 Class Schedule


Monday 12/9: 

Read the play version of "A Christmas Carol"
Tuesday 12/10:
Finish reading the story
Introduce the poem assignment
Wednesday 12/11:
Farewell party for Mr. Glenn
Thursday 12/12:
Work on Christmas Carol poem


12/2 - 12/5 Class Schedule 


Monday 12/2: 

Finish Giver movie (if needed) and introduce poetry/figurative language elements

Poetry and Figurative Language Nearpod


Tuesday 12/3:

Finish Nearpod notes

Read "Casey at the Bat"

Wednesday 11/20:

Giver Escape room

Thursday 11/21: 

Finish Casey at the Bat analysis


11/18 - 11/21 Class Schedule 


Monday 11/18: 

Introduce Essay  

Tuesday 11/19: 

Counselors Visit

Wednesday 11/20 :

Finish Giver Essay

Thursday 11/21:

Giver movie

11/11 - 11/14 Class Schedule 


Monday 11/11: 

Read chapters 17 & 18 

Update notes if needed 


Tuesday 11/12: 

Read chapter 19  

Journal: What is release and how is it the fatal flaw of the community? 

Read chapter 20 



Wednesday 11/13 

Finish chapter 22 - 23 

Discuss & update notes 


Thursday 11/14: 

CTA #2  

Finish updating notes


11/4 - 11/7 Class Schedule 


Monday 11/4: 

Introduce Giver RACE paragraph – is Jonas’s job as Receiver of Memory an honor or a punishment? - in Teams

Review the steps of how to write a RACE paragraph


Tuesday 11/5: 

Complete the planning for your paragraph using the formatting steps on the instructions 

Rough draft 


Wednesday 11/6 :

Revise & edit using checklist

Finalize paragraph and submit 


Thursday 11/7: 

Finish paragraphs or read, depending on the time 



10/28 - 10/31 Class Schedule 

Monday 10/28: 

Chapters 13 & 14 
Update notes if there’s time 


Tuesday 10/29: 

Chapters 15 & 16

Context Clue Practice #3 - GRADED

Wednesday 10/30: 

No School – Conference 


Thursday 10/31: 

No School 


10/21 - 10/24 Class Schedule
Monday 10/21: 
Update notes all class – make sure that all pages are up to date 
Tuesday 10/22: 
Read chapter 12 
Finish up the symbols chart in notes
Introduce the symbol poster - assignment instructions in Teams
Wednesday 10/23: 
Symbol poster 
Thursday 10/24: 
Portfolio artifact - reflect on The Giver quiz
Finish symbol poster 
10/14 - 10/17 Class Schedule 
Monday 10/14: 
Context Clue Practice 2 
Chapter 9 
Update notes 
Tuesday 10/15:  
Chapter 10 
Update notes – specifically the Euphemisms page 
Wednesday 10/16: 
Chapter 11 
Journal #6: The creators of Jonas's community tried to make a perfect Utopia. Some of the ways they did this were: Sameness: make everyone & everything feel/look/act the same 
Eliminate pain: physical pain & emotional pain by taking away all memories of the world in the past. Get rid of choices out of fear that people would choose wrong 
Do you think that a world where everything is the same and without pain memories of the past, and choices makes the "perfect" society? Explain.   
Thursday 10/17: 
Update notes 
10/7 - 10/11 Class Schedule
Monday 10/7: 
  • The Giver Chapter 5 
  • Update notes & start chapter 6 (if there’s time) 
  • Simple & Compound exit ticket (on paper) 
Tuesday 10/8: 
  • Chapter 6 
  • Context clue video & practice #1 - in Teams 
  • Simple & Compound exit ticket (on paper)
Wednesday 10/9: 
  • Journal #4: If you could begin your career at the age of 12, would you? Explain your answer. What would you gain? What would you lose? – Think-Pair-Share 
  • Chapter 7 
  • Simple & Compound exit ticket (on paper)
Thursday 9/28: 
  • Chapter 8 
  • Journal #5: The Chief Elder describes how children have been taught how to fit in and “curb anything that sets them apart.” Make a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast your childhood with the childhood of the community members (i.e., Jonas & Lily) 
  • Update notes 
  • Simple & Compound exit ticket (on paper)
9/30 - 10/3 Class Schedule 
Monday 9/30: 
  • Finish up with Giver chapter 1 & answer the journal prompt – Journal #2: 
  • Jonas and Lily refer to the 6’s from the other community as animals. The book states “Neither of them really knew what [animals] meant, exactly, but it was often used to describe someone uneducated or clumsy…” What does the book suggest about animals in their society?  
  • The book says uses the word release multiple times in chapter one. Make a prediction: what do you think release means in the context of this society? 
  • Read chapter 2 and discuss 
Tuesday 10/1: 
  • Simple & Compound sentence review connected with The Giver 
  • Read chapter 3 
  • Update notes  
Wednesday 10/2:  
  • Simple & Compound sentence review 
  • Read chapter 4 
  • Journal #3: Pretend like you are Asher getting in trouble and having to apologize in front of the class. What would you get in trouble for in class that you would have to apologize for? (Talking, being tardy, not coming with materials, sleeping…). Create a little story, complete with dialogue, with you apologizing to the class. Your writing should sound like you are living in the world of The Giver. 
Thursday 10/3: 
  • CTA #1


9/23 - 9/26 Class Schedule

Monday 9/23:  

  • Finish up with Examination Day
  • Watch 2081 


Tuesday 9/24: 

  • Journal: What type of Utopian society would you create? What problems would you try to eliminate? How would you try to create this society? 
  • Finish watching 2081
  • Complete the 2081 assignment in Teams 


Wednesday 9/25: 

  • Independent and Dependent Clause Review
  • Set up Giver Notes 


Thursday 9/26: 

  • Independent & Dependent clause practice  
  • Read chapter 1 & start 2 if there’s time 



9/16 - 9/19 Class Schedule 


Monday 9/16: 

  • Finish the Arachne comic 


Tuesday 9/17: 

  • Utopia & Dystopia notes


Wednesday 9/18: 


Thursday 9/19: 

  • Complete the Examination Day assignment in Teams & watch the video version
  • Check out The Giver  



9/9 - 9/13 Class Schedule 


Monday 9/9: 

  • Flight of Icarus Narrative Assignment 


Tuesday 9/10: 

  • Sentence Types 
  • Start reading Arachne 


Wednesday 9/11: 

  • Sentence Types Practice  
  • Continue reading Arachne 


Thursday 9/12: 



9/2 - 9/6 Class Schedule 
Monday 9/2: 
  • No School – Labor Day 
Tuesday 9/3: 
  • Read “7th Grade” in class
  • Literary Terms Questions on paper
Wednesday 9/4: 
  • Grammar Bell Ringer – Capitalization Practice 1 (done in Notebooks)
  • Finish 7th Grade Literary Terms Questions 
Thursday 9/5: 
  • Grammar Bell Ringer – Capitalization Practice 2  
  • Define Myth 
  • Begin reading “Flight of Icarus” 
Friday 9/6: 
  • Finish reading “Flight of Icarus” 
  • Begin planning the narrative: Re-write the story from Daedalus’ perspective 
  • Flight of Icarus narrative (in Notebooks)



8/26 - 8/30 Class Schedule 


Monday 8/26: 

  • Set up notebooks (Journal, Notes, & Random sections) 
  • Literary Terms notes: Link to PowerPoint 


Tuesday 8/27: 


Wednesday 8/28: 

  • Finish mapping out the parts of plot from the short story 
  • Start reading “7th Grade” 


Thursday 8/29: 

  • Library Visit  



8/19 – 8/23 Class Schedule 

Monday 8/19: 

  • Name Tags 


Tuesday 8/20: 

  • Finish name tags & share with classmates 
  • Expectations & routines 


Wednesday 8/21: 

Finish expectations & routines 


Thursday 8/22: 

  • Practice Write – Write about a time that you last experienced something exciting or fun.
    • Tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end
    • Use your senses: What did you see, hear, taste, smell, touch?
    • If there are people in the story – describe them in clear detail.
    • Use strong and interesting adjectives.
    • Indent your paragraphs
    • Capitalize the start of sentences & names
    • Put periods or ?! at the end of sentences
    • Write in as much detail as possible!