Quarter 1
Monday: Finish Reading Rogue Wave and answering questions
Tuesday: Transfer questions into myNotebook/ Figurative Language scavenger hunt
Wednesday: Finish scavenger hunt (if needed) Introduce Rogue Wave writing assignment
Choose a scene from Rogue Wave and explain why it is the most dramatic scene or most important to the plot. (it doesn't have to be the climax) Follow this layout:
Reason 1
Supporting details
Textual Evidence
Explain evidence and how it supports your reason
Concluding sentence
Reason 2
Supporting details
Textual Evidence
Explain evidence and how it supports your reason
Concluding sentence
Thursday: Work on Writing
Friday: Work on Writing (Due at end of Period)
Monday: Read Arachne pg. 17 –22 in Close Reader
Tuesday: Finish Reading and answering questions / Go over questions together
Wednesday: Read Flight of Icarus together
Journal: What is the Theme of The Flight of Icarus? Use text evidence from the story to support your theme.
Thursday: Introduce Comic / work on comic
Friday: Work on Comic
Monday: Work on Comic
Tuesday: Work on/Finish comic
Wednesday: Catch-up Day
Monday: ISAT Block
Tuesday: ISAT Block
Wednesday: ISAT Block
Thursday: Notes on Utopia and Dystopia
Friday: Examination Day. Read the story and begin watching the video. Analyze dystopian characteristics and protagonist.
Monday: Journal: #1(The Giver Journals) Watch "The Lottery" and analyze for dystopian characteristics / Use Dystopian short stories page to analyze
Tuesday: Watch "2081" and analyze for dystopian characteristics / Use Dystopian short stories page to analyze / Journal: #2 (The Giver Journals)
Wednesday: Read "The Giver" Ch. 1-2 (homework if not finished) / take notes
Thursday: Journal #3(The Giver Journals) / Read Ch. 3-4 (homework if not finished) / take notes
Friday: Journal #1 add-on(The Giver Journals) / Read Ch. 5-6 (homework if not finished) / Update Notes
Monday: Journal # 5 / Discuss ch. 1-3 (notes) / Kahoot! Quiz / Discussion / Read ch. 7-8 (homework if not finished) / update notes
Tuesday: Journal # 6 / Update Notes and Discuss / Read ch. 9-10 (homework if not finished)
Wednesday: Update Notes / Introduce Short Answer Response (OneNote) / write in Word
Thursday: Work on Short Answer Response (due at end of period)
Friday: No School / END OF Q1